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Hunter Biden Seeks Sentencing Delay in Gun Case

Hunter Biden’s attorneys filed a motion on Tuesday requesting a delay to sentencing in his illegal gun possession case by a few weeks, citing overlap with his other cases in California.
Biden’s lawyers asked a Delaware judge to postpone the scheduled Nov. 13 sentencing to either late November or early December.
The attorneys said that many of the pre-sentencing tasks for the case overlap with Biden’s tax sentencing in California on Dec. 16 and a pre-trial conference for one of his civil cases is set for Nov. 12, making it difficult for his lead trial counsel to attend the Nov. 13 sentencing hearing.
According to the court filing, Biden’s attorneys notified both Special Counsel David Weiss and Delaware’s chief probation officer of the request before submitting the motion. Senior Assistant Special Counsel Derek Hines later informed Biden’s lawyers that the special counsel opposed the delay.
His lawyers argued that the special counsel did not explain the reason for opposing the delay and suggested that Weiss may “complain that Mr. Biden should have brought this motion sooner.”
“The denial of the continuance request, at this point, would likely constitute ‘an unreasoning and arbitrary insistence upon expeditiousness in the face of a justifiable request for delay’ that would jeopardize Mr. Biden’s right to a fair sentencing hearing, the effective assistance of counsel, and the Court’s ability to render a decision based on a complete record,” the motion stated.
